June 26, 2013
Dec 16, 2011
Jan 30, 2011
Jan 22, 2011
Northbright is a small software design house.
We develop freewares to make you more time to enjoy life.
Our Products:
CHM Batch Decompiler - A simple tool to batch decompile CHM files.
It's also an open source project host on github:
NorthBright FindURL - Find resource URL(video,audio...) on the website and download it.
NorthBright CHM Tool - A simple tool to decompile CHM files and extract the current page of a currently open CHM file and save it to HTML, MHT or Text format.
NorthBright MiniFolderBackup - A backup / restore / sync and version control tool based on folders.
All NorthBright products are free. May our products be helpful to you:)
Our Github: